827494 - Leica ScanStation P40
Surveying Laser Scanner 270m
Robust and of unsurpassed accuracy, the Leica ScanStation P40 laser scanner delivers high quality HDR imaging and 3D data at an extremely fast rate, and produces highly detailed 3D colour point clouds mapped in realistic clarity.
- Range : 0.4m @ 270m
- Precision : 1.2mm + 10ppm over full range
- Frame rate : Up to 1 000 000 points/sec.
- Imaging : 700 Mpx HDR, Panoramic
- Protection class : IP54
- Operating temperature range : -20°C @ +50°C
- Battery type : 4x Batteries Li-Ion GEB242
- Warranty : 1 year
Leica ScanStation P16/P30/P40 Comparison Chart (english)
Leica P30/P40 Architecture, Buildings & BIM Datasheet (english)
Leica P30/P40 Civil Infrastructure Datasheet (english)
Leica P30/P40 Plant & Ships Datasheet (english)
Leica P30/P40 Forensics Datasheet (english)
Leica P30/P40 Archeology & Heritage Datasheet (english)
Leica ScanStation HDR White Paper (english)
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